Sunday, April 20, 2008

What theory, discussion and/or application from this course most impacts your ongoing action research project?

I think the most significant use for my ARP has been in differentiating instruction. I have seen how each child has different learning styles, much in the same way each parent has a different approach to being involved with their child in their academic studies.I have learned to be patient in helping them with their individual needs, and finding the time to address their questions and concerns. As life-long learners, our action research will continue to develop into new themes and spiral through to reach people of diffrent cultures, religions, beliefs and educational backgrounds. As members of our OMET family, we are gifted as a learning community with hopes and aspirations for a brighter tomorrow. Our educational doors to the world of knowledge will remain open as long as we desire them to…and our dreams for leaving a powerful legacy for change will dwell in our hearts as we continue to impart our new knowledge to those eagerly waiting to listen.

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